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0800 101 232

Top Tips to find your best IQP and BWOF Partner in 2020

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The Building Warrant of Fitness (BWoF) was created to ensure that the safety and integrity of NZ buildings come first. The Building Act 2004 outlines the guidelines and scope in assessing the state of specified systems installed within the building premises. As proof that things are in good working order, a property owner must present and display their Building Warrant of Fitness in a public area such as on the front desk or in the lobby. 

Just the basics: A Building Warrant of Fitness is an official document stating that all specified systems installed inside an Auckland building have undergone an inspection and testing process over the past 12 months. But the most important specialist in this whole process is the Independent Qualified Person (IQP) as they are qualified to do the inspection and to complete the documentation and all technical reports in a timely manner. They will also sign off on all specified systems tested, as an accurate log of what was done and achieved against the compliance schedule. 

Here are some tips to find you the most suitable IQP and BWOF partner: 

Looking for an IQP, but don’t know where to start? Fortunately, there are online registries for each district for IQPs. There is an existing database at every council district that will let you know the active IQPs in their area and their corresponding specified system skills. To start, here’s the registry link for Auckland Auckland

Going through a list can be overwhelming, so it would be best to narrow down a few prospects from the IQP list based on the specified systems you have in the building. There are some IQPs who can handle a number of specified systems, they have years of training for each one. But there are also IQPs whose specialisation is very focused on just one specified system, and often they are the best industry experts on that system and its common problems.

When you call an IQP, be straightforward about what you need and your requirements, give them time to respond to your questions via email or with an in-person meet-up. They will also need to know more details about your compliance schedule. Some IQPs need to see the actual site and gauge the scope of your requirements first hand. Ask if this initial assessment is free or comes with a fee.

Fast fact: IQPs are registered as individuals only and only a skilled expert can register as such. When a company or a group approaches you as ‘IQP experts’, what they could mean is that they have a network of IQPs with the proper trade backgrounds that they employ or contract for you.

Should relevant IQP registration number(s) be visible on a building warrant of fitness? Though this is not mandatory by the Building Act 2004, it has become an industry practice by territorial authorities. 

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Finding an Independent Qualified Person in Northland, Auckland and Whangarei

Looking for the right Independent Qualified Person in Whangarei Auckland or Northland to check on your specified systems?  

If you’re in search of Independent​ Qualified Persons (IQPs) this 2020, a good partner to start with is Fireco. 

Fireco specialises in a wide range of fire safety products, testing & tagging procedures and compliance issues with building warrant of fitness (BWoF). Fireco’s network of compliance consultants and IQPs carry out the work needed to attain your BWoF in Auckland.  

Call us today about your BWoF issues at Fireco Limited 0800 101 232 or email us about your IQP concerns at info@fireco.co.nz 

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We serve Northland and Auckland area.

Mon-Fri 0800 to 1630


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