We serve Northland and Auckland area.

0800 101 232

Smoke Alarm Installation in New Zealand: Advantages of Hiring a Professional Fire Safety Expert


A fire incident can close down operations, which can lead to 3 things- loss of life, loss of business revenue and loss of employment. These significant losses are all preventable, so it’s very important for everyone at home or in the workplace to be prepared for emergencies – especially a fire breaking out.

Reliable Early Warning Activation

Smoke alarms can alert occupants that a fire has started within the premises. Early smoke alarm activations can save everyone from a fire before it reaches flashover status. A flashover is a rapid fire that will engulf the property in minutes.

There are many kinds of smoke alarms and they also vary per manufacturer instructions on how they work.


Smoke Alarm Compliance in New Zealand

Under the New Zealand Building Code on F7 Warning systems- new houses, old properties, and homes undergoing repairs must have a smoke alarm placed along every escape route or common area. They must also be at least three metres in front of a bedroom door and the alarm should be audible enough (not less than 75 dBA) so it can be heard through closed doors.

According to the Fire and Emergency New Zealand board, smoke alarms should be:

Photoelectric smoke alarms respond well to all types of fires particularly smoldering fires.

This is to trigger all the other smoke alarms that a fire is happening in another area of the house.

The smoke alarm unit must have a long battery life (at least 8 years), or be powered by the property’s electrical system.

Smoke alarms should be installed properly according to the manufacturer’s instructions and building compliance regulations. It would be to your advantage and safety to have a professional fire safety expert install all the smoke alarms in your property.

Though most residents would opt for a DIY approach in installing their smoke alarms, there are many considerations why you should hire an Fireco, the fire safety experts for a professional smoke alarm installation.


Benefits of Having your Smoke Alarm Professionally Installed:

Here are two sample categories from the checklist of the NZ Tenancy compliance form which most landlords need to fill out:

  • 3.5 Are the smoke alarms the correct type and in the correct location?
  • 3.6 Do all of your properties comply with the requirement for smoke alarms to be installed?

Now if you can’t vouch for a proper answer with any of these questions, you better hire a Fireco pro to do your smoke alarm installation so you can get your fire safety compliance done before your next tenancy period.

Fireco New Zealand can help you choose the most suitable smoke alarm for your fire safety needs. We can also advise you on the proper installation and placement of all your smoke detectors.

High-quality fire safety equipment is for everyone who has a home, a business and a family to protect. Save yourself from many headaches when installing a smoke alarm in your home, and go with a trusted local fire safety expert with years of experience in smoke alarm fittings.

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Your One-Stop for Building Compliance and Fire Safety

Fireco is a company committed to fire safety in the Northland and Auckland areas. We are well known for our professional fire safety solutions for residential and commercial properties. Call us to inquire about our fire safety alarms at 0800 101 232 or email us info@fireco.co.nz

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We serve Northland and Auckland area.

Mon-Fri 0800 to 1630


Join a respected team of building compliance and fire safety professionals.