We serve Northland and Auckland area.

0800 101 232

Commercial Fire Safety in Browns Bay New Zealand

Must Have Fire Equipment for the Home

Consider the requirements for fire safety and fire engineering in the New Zealand Building Code. This is a simple list of things to keep in mind if you’re seeking to increase your present level of fire protection in the workplace:

Keeping Commercial Spaces Safe in Browns Bay

Commercial fire safety in Browns Bay is everyone’s responsibility. We should do our part to keep our workplaces safe. In the event of a fire, you can protect your building, workers and residents, and its assets by using this checklist as a guide. You need the following firefighting equipment to adequately secure your office or commercial space:

Photoelectric Smoke Alarm

1. Fire Alarms

Before any ignition occurs, the fuel source is heated, which frequently produces smoke. Many times, an impending fire can be discovered before it starts, either by the people smelling smoke or by the action of a fire alarm. Time is crucial. The incipient stage of a fire can last anywhere from a few moments to several hours, or even days, depending on the original fuel, ambient temperatures, the igniting source, and other factors. The good thing here is that an active fire alarm system or a set of smoke detectors can swiftly make everyone in the building aware of the fire and provide them the opportunity to evacuate the building to safety. It is critical to ensure that your fire alarm system is in compliance with current NZ fire safety regulations and that it is serviced on a yearly basis by Browns Bay fire safety experts at the very least.

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2. Fire Extinguishers

Employees can put out small fires with the use of fire extinguishers. Nowadays, fire extinguisher training is becoming more commonplace in the workplace, but there are still many individuals who have never even held a fire extinguisher in their hands. Everyone in your Browns Bay company would benefit from attending annual fire safety trainings to learn how to properly use a fire extinguisher, as well as what to do if there is an emergency. Another helpful reminder, all of your commercial property's fire extinguishing equipment must be in good working order and accessible at all times. For portable and transportable fire extinguishers, do use a method of fastening them that the fire extinguisher isn't likely to become stuck should it be used in a fire emergency.


3. Fire Safety Signs

Visibility is always the issue when it comes to fires. Smoke can get so thick that visibility is next to nil. There are so many cases of people getting trap near exits and not making it out when they're just a few steps away from a fire escape door. Having bright visual markers in your Browns Bay commercial space, such as fire safety signs, emergency lights and fire exit signs can save lives. Fire safety signs indicate the location or the direction towards emergency facilities, such as fire escapes, first aid stations, safety gear use, and hazard warnings these are all examples of fire safety signs in Browns Bay. In the event of a power outage, photoluminescent fire escape route signs will keep you safe and direct you towards the nearest exit. For an average of $5-$10 NZD, you have no excuse not to have these reflective safety signages. As long as you can afford it, you should aim for larger illumination, such as fire safety signs that have their own power source.

Need fire protection? Where do you get fire equipment in Browns Bay NZ?

Is there a type of fire extinguisher that you require? Throughout Browns Bay, we are a top supplier of fire safety equipment, we also offer professional installation and fire extinguisher servicing. Contact us at Fireco 0800 101 232 today! Different types of fires require different types of extinguishers – email us at info@fireco.co.nz

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We serve Northland and Auckland area.

Mon-Fri 0800 to 1630


Join a respected team of building compliance and fire safety professionals.