Every building owner in Auckland is required to renew their Building Warrant of Fitness (BWoF) every 12 months. This is to confirm that all the specified systems mentioned in the compliance schedule are in good working order.
This also means specified systems in your building have been inspected and maintained by an Independent Qualified Person (IQP).
What are IQPs in Auckland?
Our Independent Qualified Person or IQPs are not given enough credence for their contributions to overall safety. They are not simply another bunch of run-of-the-mill inspectors; they are the building specialists that can attest that Auckland specified systems are safe and operating at peak performance. They are the people with the knowledge, field experience, and specialised and qualified training to check and manage the intricate annual renewal process to acquire your Building Warrant of Fitness on time and without extended issues. They are there to ensure that both the administrative and technical compliance regulations, on building safety in Auckland, are followed.
By law, they have in-depth knowledge of the Building Act, regulation updates, inspection standards, and test sheets. They are familiar with territorial authority IQP requirements of the Form 12A (which is the Certificate of compliance that has specific inspection, maintenance and reporting procedures). If you’ve ever seen a Form 12A up close, it requires you state your building address and the name of the property owner- and that’s possibly how far you can fill it in on your own. The rest of the document gets very technical and requires a number of precise information on your specified systems that only an IQP can provide in detail and sign for.
As guardians of building safety, most IQPs have notable professional memberships-they should be registered members of the Association of Building Compliance, Building Officials Institute of New Zealand (BOINZ) and other networks.
Getting your BWOF papers in order can become an all-consuming process that can eat into other important areas of your life and business. Little wonder too many building owners are so stressed out with their BWOF applications.
What you can do is coordinate with a licensed professional that can give you sound technical and practical advice on the state of your Compliance Schedule. This is a positive step towards securing your Auckland BWOF.
Auckland BWOF Professionals
The good news is, you have safety professionals such as Fireco whom you can refer to. If you’ve got pertinent BWoF issues, wecan help you manage your Compliance schedule concerns by consulting ourtrusted network of professionals from contractors to IQPs. They can advise on the best way to carry out technical inspections and the frequency of required repair or installation work under the timeframe you have.
Getting you BWoF shouldn’t feel like you’re shooting for the moon. Fireco is the premier fire safety expert andcompliance consultants in Auckland.
Whether this is your first BWoF application or your next Auckland BWOF renewal, we can help manage your BWoF life cycle. We can have an IQP consultant working with you and assisting you on your Compliance Schedule whenever you are ready. Call us today at 0800 101 232 about your Auckland BWOF or email us at info@fireco.co.nz