Every year getting your BWoF done can get tougher particularly if you have a demanding set of specified systems, and you’re on a tight budget. You have to get the repairs and maintenance done without racking up an exorbitant cost.
In matters of compliance, if you own a building that is equipped with specified systems, the NZ Building Act requires you to have an annual compliance survey before you are issued a BWoF certificate.
Know more about your Building Warrant of Fitness (BWoF)
A Building Warrant of Fitness (BWoF) is a certificate that is acquired yearly which confirms the specified systems in your building have undergone a maintenance, testing, and reporting process over the past 12 months and are performing in accordance with the current building standards.
Once the building owner gets hold of the initial compliance schedule document or any modified compliance scheduled, they will be required to submit to the local council an annual BWoF or commonly known as the form 12, and a certificate of compliance for each of the specified systems in the building.
To aid in making sure your BWoF responsibilities have been done, the NZ Building Act requires you to sign, issue and display your annual Building Warrant of Fitness publicly, as well as submit a copy yearly to the local council. So always prepare a checklist so you don’t forget!
It is also your responsibility to make sure that the compliance schedule is in the location indicated on the compliance schedule statement and building warrant of fitness, so it would be readily available when asked and inspected by authorised personnel. These documents may include, but are not limited to, annual written reports, logbooks, and test certificates that need to be filed, with the compliance schedule.
The BWoF requirement stipulated on the building act requires commercial building owners or tenants on behalf of their owners to complete a building compliance inspection on specified systems such as fire exits, safety signs, and many other criteria.
A few of these inspections are required to be done monthly, and some even require to be inspected on a daily basis, depending on the number of occupants in a building and how often it is being used, which will be indicated on your compliance schedule provided by the local council.
Important Things to Remember about your BWoF
- A building warrant of witness is an official document or certificate that should be acquired by the building owner on a yearly basis.
- During a compliance schedule, inspections and approvals will take place, this to ensure that you meet the performance standards and all the inspection, maintenance, and reporting requirements set by the local council. The point of all this is to ensure that these specified systems are effectively working for the duration that this building exists.
- The process of acquiring a BWoF can be a very tedious task to do, and it may be advantageous to hire someone to do it for you.
A Positive Outlook on BWoF Compliance
A BWoF is always worth putting your energy and attention to. You can feel confident knowing that a fire safety professional can give you advice on how to complete your BWoF on time.
Avoid delays and road blocks this way, a BWoF consultancy service can help you find expert IQPs to inspect your specified systems and appropriately achieved the desired result — which is a completed and approved BWoF.
Today, the simplest approach would be to get in touch with the best Building Warrant of Fitness consultants in Whangarei. Call Fireco on 0800 101 232 or email info@fireco.co.nz